Category: Portfolio
Toyota – Review Offers
My work on the user interface of an internal tool used by Toyota dealerships to review their upcoming offers.
Toyota – Accessibility Testing
While working on I performed frequent accessibility testing to update and make consistent improvements of both our existing site and upcoming features.
Arcules – Localization for Japan
Led the team on the localization of our web portal to Japanese.
Arcules – Auth
Led a team of 4 that implemented the authentication.
Word & Brown – Roadshow
While contracting at Word & Brown, I built this landing page for the company “Roadshow”.
While contracting at Word & Brown, I built the event pages for The site was built with WordPress. Functionality included the filters to sort by region.
Strokeholdings – ecomm
Built an eCommerce website for strokeholdings. The artist Dante Orpilla designed the website using Sketch App. I adapted the designs for iPad and Mobile.
Word & Brown – Brokers
Developed the pages for the 5 Broker persona campaign, which had a page dedicated to each of the type of insurance brokers that would be visiting the site.
Word & Brown – Broker Blog
Implemented a secondary blog for the targeted audience of aspiring brokers.
Entrepreneur -Homepage
Implementation of 2017 redesign of
Word & Brown – Careers
While contracting at Word & Brown, I rebuilt their career pages.
Redesign of Word & Brown’s main website – 2016. I advised on mobile User Experience and built the new pages on a custom WordPress theme.